Saturday, January 29, 2011

i have the best big brother.

This is just one of the many reasons why.

He told me yesterday that he was going to be making calzones. So naturally, being the annoying little sister, I told him he should also make me one…or was it date? Yes, it was a date. But he said I could stop by his apartment if I wanted to [we live in the same complex]. I told him maybe after work…and if he had any leftover food to save it for me.

Later after work I texted him and said I was bored and asked if I could come crash his date for a bit. 
His response?

“Yeah, come get your calzone, girl!”

look how beautiful it is.

Yeah. My brother and his date made me a calzone.


1 comment:

Becca said...

Oh my gosh that is the biggest calzone that I have ever seen!!! Was it delicious?!?!

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