Monday, February 20, 2012


I have decided to take up Yoga.

The problem I ran into, though, is that I don't have a gym membership and I don't really want to work one into my budget quite yet. (#nolongerapoorcollegestudentbutnowapoorteacher) (#havefunreadingthat)

So I did a little search and found a great set of videos for beginners (like me). 

This woman named Esther Ekhart put them together and in my I-know-nothing-about-yoga opinion, she did an excellent job. It really just eases you into Yoga without killing your body! I had tried Yoga with a roommate about a year ago and quit soon after because whatever video we found absolutely tore my poor body apart. It was too advanced. These are just perfect! 

Here is the first video, and if you go to YouTube you can find the other four.


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