Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baseball Game and Sabbath Thoughts

Last night I went to a Salt Lake Bee's [semi-pro] baseball game with my roommates and friends.

Salt Lake Bee's Baseball Game @ everything's hanging on this moment

[This picture wasn't taken last night, but a few weeks ago at a different game!]

It was nice to be with some friends. 
What wasn't nice was when a foul ball bounced off the rafters above us and when whizzing just inches over my head.
That. was. scary. 

Today in Sunday School at church we talked about this:

"Give us strength according to our faith in Christ."

We talked about how having faith can strengthen our hope and even help us to be less stressed. 
I thought about how scared I am for a new job this fall. 
How worried I am to have to plan lessons again, to manage a class of 25 kids, and to make sure they are all learning and succeeding. 
Being a teacher is hard, and quite frankly, terrifying

I realized, though, as I listened to the teacher, that I don't have to be stressed out about it if I keep Christ there with me. Yes, I need to work hard and do my best, but the Lord will step in and He will not let me fail. After all, my students are His children. I just need to always pray for them, and pray for guidance in helping them to succeed. He will give me strength. 

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